How to participate:

  1. Carefully read the Participant Information Sheet

  2. If you are happy to participate and any questions have been answered, contact Richard to sign the consent form

  3. Once to have received an ID number from Richard, go to the survey page (here!) and complete the survey for the first time

  4. Next, enter you ID in the field below the survey

  5. Click submit, this will unlock the Muse experience

  6. Please use the Muse experience for ~10mins

  7. Return to the survey page and complete the survey for the second and final time

  8. You have then completed the study, thank you very much!

  9. Please read the Participant Debrief Sheet

If you are unsure what to do, please feel free to refer to this page at any point by clicking the home tab at the top of the page.

If you wish to withdraw at any point or wish to ask a question, please contact either Richard or Daniela, their emails are at the bottom of every page.